We are a maritime village! With a huge stretch of shoreline on both Lake Michigan Betsie Lake, extending to the mouth of the Betsie River and its marshlands, water surrounds us shapes our lives.
BIG NEWS announced at the July 3, 2024, Planning Commission Meeting
On June 27, 2024, the Grand Traverse Regional Conservancy (GTRLC) signed a purchase agreement with the Elberta Land Holding Company (ELHC) to acquire approximately 35 acres of land at the northwest end of Elberta, along the shoreline of Betsie Bay and Lake Michigan, including 10 acres of dunes. The map and plan shows, from west to east, 16 acres of Lake Michigan waterfront to be eventually acquired by the Village as parkland (similar to Elberta Dunes Natural Area) through a Michigan Natural Resources trust fund grant; 10 acres of dune nature preserve to be retained by GTRLC, and 9 acres on Betsie Bay and Furnace Avenue to be used for community redevelopment. The plan includes the extension of the Betsie Valley Trail along the Betsie Bay to Elberta Beach. Fundraising is ongoing until the closing date of December 15. At the close of sale, GTRLC proposes to immediately transfer the deed to the remaining 9 acres in the Marina District to Michigan Land Bank Authority as temporary owner. MLBA can provide funding to remediate blighted buildings and help the Village with redevelopment plans, with public input.
For more information, go to the Elberta Alert here: https://elbertaalert.substack.com/p/conservancy-set-to-acquire-elhc-land
To show your support in writing, go here: https://www.gtrlc.org/contact-us/general-inquiries/
To make a financial contribution, go here: https://www.gtrlc.org/land-protection-stewardship/active-projects/
Elberta Beach Improvements
Improvements have come to E Beach: An extended parking area, a pavilion, better ADA accessibility, and flush toilets, funded with a grant from MDNR and the Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy. View the plans below.
The Elberta Beach is maintained by nature. Visitors and locals alike enjoy the (usually) less crowded undeveloped beach to the south of Frankfort Harbor. The Elberta Beach starts at the Elberta Pier and extends south for approximately a half mile. Visitors to Elberta Beach should be aware of the following:
- Public access to the beach is from the Beach Parking Area at the base of Bye Road, as well as two easements…one at the north end and one at the south end of Lakeside Blvd…across private property to the beach and the waters of Lake Michigan.
- There are no restroom facilities at the beach, plan ahead
- Fires on the beach are strictly prohibited by the State of Michigan
- Driving on the beach and dunes is strictly prohibited by the State of Michigan
- Removal activities are ongoing to remove the abundance of (invasive) baby’s breath at Elberta Beach.
- Access to the pier is at your own risk.
- Please respect everyone’s use of the beach and leave only footprints.