Code, Ordinances, and Resolutions

PC Citizen Infraction Complaint Form – If you have a complaint about a code violation in the Village, please fill out this form.  Completed forms may be sent via email to, placed in our drop box at the Village Office, or mailed to The Village of Elberta, P.O. Box 8, Elberta, MI 49628. Upon receipt, the completed form will be forwarded to our code enforcement officer or DPW.

2022 Village of Elberta Amended Council Rules of Procedure for Meetings

Village of Elberta Bylaws and Code (searchable)

Items not linked below can be found in the Bylaws document above.


1001 Contents, Interpretation and Effect of Village Code

1002 Civil Infraction Enforcement (See also Ordinance No. 20)

1124 Purchasing, Contracting and Selling Procedure

2026 Sewer Service


2047 Cross Connections

2061 Water and Sewer Rates and Billing Chapter 2061 (As amended 1991, 1995, 2015)

3012 Park Regulations

4001 Street Openings and Obstructions

4024 Sidewalks

5021 House Trailers

5032 Open Storage of Junked Automobiles

5040 Planning Commission (see Ordinance 25)

7000 Licenses

7059 Peddlers

7060 Transient Merchants

8001 Building code (Repealed)

9002 Animals

9006 Dogs

9016 Disorderly Conduct

9027 Fire (See Also Ordinance No. 9)

9048 Dangerous Structures

9101 Village-of-Elberta-Traffic Code

9102 Snowmobiles

9103 Speed Boats


No 2 Water, Sewer & Trash Service

No. 3 Parks

No. 4 Ordinance publishing Village Code

No. 5 Housing Commission

No. 7 Speed of Vessels on Betsie Lake

No. 8 Council Compensation

No. 9 Fire Prevention

No. 10 Electric Franchise Ordinance

No. 11 Gas Franchise Ordinance

No. 12 Village Officer’s Term (superseded, in part, by Ordinances 28 and 29)

No. 13 Rubbish Ordinance (repealed by Ordinance 21)

No. 14 Mobile Home Ordinance

No. 15 Hazardous Spill Recovery Ordinance

No. 16 Sign Ordinance

No. 17 Burn Ordinance (REPEALED; see No. 43)

No. 18 Telecommunications Ordinance

No. 19 Amendment to Chapter 1001 Section 13 of Village Code

No. 20 Civil Infraction Enforcement Ordinance

No. 21 Junk Accumulation Ordinance

No. 22 Amendments to Chapter 2046 of Village Code

No. 23 Deep Water Port District (superseded by Zoning Ordinance enacted 2009)

No. 24 Planning Commission (repealed by Ordinance No. 25)

No. 25 Planning Commission

No. 26 Yard Maintenance Ordinance

No. 27 Appointment of Village Clerk – REPEALED – ORD # 42

No. 28 Appointment of Village Treasurer- REPEALED – ORD #42

No. 29 Amendment to Chapter 2041 of Village Code Resolution Adopting Amendment to ORD 29

No. 30 Reduction in Number of Trustees

No. 31 Fireworks Ordinance

No. 32 Sale of Real Property

No. 33 Noise Ordinance

No. 34 Elberta Public Beach Areas Ordinance

No. 35 – Village of Elberta Water Supply System Revenue Bond [Series 2018A] / [Series 2018B]

No. 36 – Marihuana Establishments Prohibition Ordinance

No. 37 STR ORD #37 VOE

No. 38 – An Ordinance Addressing Floodplain Management Provisions of the State Construction Code

No. 39 – Village of Elberta Zoning Ordinance Amendment Section 5.04 

No. 40 – USDA Bond 2022A VOE; Ordinance 40 USDA Loan (Amended)

No. 41 – USDA Bond 2022B VOE

No. 42 – Appointment of the Village Clerk and Village Treasurer 

No. 43 – VOE Ordinance No. 43 Burn Ordinance Adopted 4 20 2023 Signed

No. 44 – VOE Ordinance No. 44 Dangerous Structures Chapter 9048

No. 45 – Ordinance 45 Village Planning Commission Establishment 2.15.24



No. 2024-004 Resolution #2024-004 2023 Benzie Co Hazard Mitigation Plan 

EResolution Approving Act 233 Financing Contract Elberta & Frankfort BLUA Improvements

RESOLUTION TO ADOPT FY25 Village of Elberta Budget

No. 2024-002 – Resolution 2024.002 Wage.Comp Scale for Employees

No. 2024-001 – Resolution #2024-001 FY25 Wage Comp Scale Officials


No. 2022-011 – Wage and Compensation for the Village Clerk/Treasurer

No. 2022-012 – Wage and Compensation for the Village Deputy Clerk/Administrative Assistant


No. 2023-001 – Fiscal Year 2023/2024 Wage and Compensation Pay Scale for Village Employees and Appointed and Elected Officials

No. 2023-002 – Wage and Compensation for the Village Clerk/Treasurer

No. 2023-003 – Wage and Compensation for Temporary Assistant, Department of Public Works

No. 2023-004 – Wage and Compensation for Backup Water Operator

No. 2023-005 – Wage and Compensation for Assistant, Department of Public Works

No. 2023-006 – Fiscal Year 2023/2024 Wage and Compensation Pay Scale for Elected or Appointed Officials Who Perform Job Duties of Village Employees (DPW Superintendent, DPW Assistant, Deputy Clerk, Deputy Treasurer) in Case of Position Vacancy or Absence

No. 2023-007 – Category B Grant Application for Work on Bye Street

No. 2023-008 – Wage and Compensation for Elberta Water Operator in Charge and Backup Water Operator

No. 2023-009 – Wage and Compensation for Second Assistant, Department of Public Works

No. 2023-010 – Resolution to Authorize the Temporary Traffic Control Order 2023-001 to Facilitate Traffic Control on July 4, 2023

No. 2023-011 – USDA Loan Resolution

Nos. 2023-012 & 2023-013 – Resolutions for Asst DPW and Clerk-Treasurer

No. 2023-014 – Resolution 2023.014 Wage Comp ADPW Chris Cervantes

No. 2023-015 –  Resolution 2023-015 Ironman Street Closure