A friendly reminder that the Village does not pick up leaves (unlike Frankfort), and only occasionally picks up sticks and brush. If you choose to make leaf piles and want them to disappear, you may bring them to the Village Brush Pile at end of 1st Street. Please dump the leaves only (no bags) as far back on the pile as possible. Alternatively, leave the leaves where they fell, or use them as excellent mulch in your garden.
Village Parks & Recreation 5-Year Plan 2025–29
The draft Village of Elberta Parks & Recreation 5-Year Plan is ready to view and download!
Public comment is open on the draft Village of Elberta Parks & Recreation 5-Year Plan. The public review period is 30 days beginning November 14, 2024. A public hearing will be held at 7pm on December 19, 2024, prior to the regular meeting of the Elberta Village Council, at the Community Building on 401 First Street, Elberta, MI 49628 to accept verbal comments before the plan is presented to the Elberta Village Council for adoption.
The DRAFT 2025-2029 Village of Elberta Recreation Plan is also available in hard copy at the Village Office at 151 Pearson Street Elberta MI, 49628 by request. Written comments may be mailed to Village of Elberta, PO Box 8, Elberta, MI 49628, or emailed to clerk@villageofelberta.com, subject line “Park Plan.”
November 15: Open 30-Day Public Review
December 19: Public hearing + vote on plan
October 14, 2024 — Please take some time to fill out this survey for our 2025-2029 Parks and Recreation Plan. This is your opportunity to weigh in on how you’d like our parks to be managed and what features you’d like to see, including down by the waterfront. The survey is available online here: Elberta Parks & Recreation Survey, in hard copy at the Village Office, and as a downloadable pdf. See more information below about the timeline for adopting the plan.

In addition to the survey, there will be an initial public input meeting on October 29 at the Life Saving Station from 5 pm to 7 pm.
According to Brett McGregor, who is organizing this process, this open house is an opportunity to meet with Parks & Rec members and discuss ideas for the possible new parkland on the waterfront.
The full timeline goes like this:
October 15
Open public input on Parks & Rec Plan through paper online survey (see above)
October 29
Collect in-person public input on Parks & Rec Plan at Open house at Life Saving Station, 5 pm to 7 pm
October 30
Close ALL public input
November 14
Final approval from Parks & Rec Commission at P&R meeting, Community Building, 6 pm.
November 15
Open 30-Day Public Review
December 19
Public hearing + vote to adopt plan at Village Council meeting, 7:00 PM
Time to Vote!
Hello Village (and Gilmore) Voters,
A reminder that the official secure ballot dropbox is located at the Community Building, 401 First Street, just by the entrance. Please drop your ballots there and not at the Village Office. Gilmore Township runs our elections, not the Village Office.
Early in-person voting began on Saturday, October 26, and happens at Frankfort City Hall from 8 am to 4 pm up until the day of the election.
On Tuesday, November 5, regular in-person voting happens as usual at our precinct, which is the Community Building, 401 First Street. On election day, the polls at the Community Building are open from 7 am to 8 pm!
Thank you for voting!!
Emily Votruba, Village Trustee
Special Meeting Agenda 10/1
Village Office Closed Until Further Notice
Updated October 1, 2024
Because of the 9/17 resignation of Clerk-Treasurer Katherine Ralston and some prescheduled family obligations for other officials, the office will be open by appointment only until further notice. Please call the office for an appointment: 231-352-7201
In the meantime, the hunt for a new Clerk-Treasurer has begun!
Village of Elberta Adopted Master Plan
The Planning Commission approved and adopted the final 2024 Master Plan at its meeting on September 4. View and download the plan here and on the Planning Commission page. Copies are also available at the Village Office.
File as a Write-In Candidate
Three seats are up for election for four-year terms on the Village Board of Trustees (Village Council) in November. They are the seats currently held by Ryan Fiebing, Ken Holmes, and Brett McGregor. Fiebing and McGregor are on the ballot, and Holmes will be filing as a write-in candidate. In order to appear as an official write-in candidate for Village Trustee on the ballot for the November 5 election, you must submit the form below to Gilmore Township Clerk Dave Bissell by 4 pm, Friday, October 25. Your name will not appear on the ballot, but you can urge your supporters to write in your name (which must be spelled the way it is on the form). Village Trustee positions are NONPARTISAN, so do *not* add a party affiliation. If you do, your form may be rejected. Anyone who is registered and eligible to vote in Village of Elberta elections may run for Village Council. —Emily Votruba
Betsie Valley Trail Discovery Day
September 22, 2024

The Friends of the Betsie Valley Trail invites the public to participate in their first Trail Discovery Day on Sunday, September 22. [Autumn Equinox!]
“We put the event together to provide a venue where we can engage with the public,” said Heidi Bolger, Board President of the Friends. “We have lots of great news to share about the Trail. There are several trail improvement projects that have been completed, will take place soon, and are planned for near future – and beyond.”
Trail Discovery Day will take place at several locations along the Betsie Valley Trail. In Thompsonville, North Mitten Events’ Betsie Valley Trail Walk/Run will kick off at 8 AM. From 9 to 11 AM free bike checks will be provided at Coastline Cycles, 1100 Main Street in Frankfort. At 10 A.M. Yoga on Beulah Beach will be lead by Jean Weishaar of Life is Bliss Yoga.
Beginning at 11 A.M. at the pavilion in Beulah Village Park, the Friends will host a light lunch from East Shore Market. The Friends are also introducing new design tech bike shirts that will be available at the event for a special minimum donation of $15 (normally $25 minimum donation). “We wanted to do something different than the usual t-shirts,” said Jan Fiola, one of the event organizers. “We worked with Field Crafts to select and design a fluorescent tech bike shirt trail riders and supporters would really like to wear out on the trail.”
At 11:30 AM there will be a presentation about all that’s happening with the Betsie Valley Trail. More details about the event can be found on the Friends website.
ZBA Hearing on August 15

Betsie Valley Trail News
Do you want the Betsie Valley Trail to connect to the Elberta waterfront and Elberta Beach someday? You can help us make that happen. Our excellent Trail Management Committee representative, Jon Ottinger, has stepped down due to a work conflict, so we are looking for someone to attend and report on meetings of the Betsie Valley Trail authority. These meetings tend to be monthly in the spring through fall and go on hiatus in the winter. Please contact the Village Office, County Commissioner Gary Sauer, or President Wilkins (jwilkins@villageofelberta.com) if you’re interested.
This Saturday, June 29, the Friends of the Betsie Valley Trail (the trail’s booster organization), will be holding its 2nd annual Brew-to-Brew Trail Day fundraising event.
Per a press release from Jim Gribble, the event is a self-guided, go-as-you-like ride, walk, or run, up to a full 20-mile loop between Stormcloud Brewery in Frankfort and Five Shores in Beulah. For those who want to ride just one way, Benzie Bus will be running a complementary shuttle service (with bike racks) back to your car. The $50 donation/registration fee entitles participants to a free Brew-to-Brew t-shirt and vouchers for a beer at Stormcloud Brewery and a beer at Five Shores Brewery. The vouchers
are valid for one week following the event.
On the day of the event, registrants can pick up their t-shirts and vouchers at either the
trailhead building in the Village of Beulah or the Stormcloud pub in downtown Frankfort
between 10am and 2pm.
To register for the event, go to the Friends website betsievalleytrail.org/brew-to-brew or simply show up at either of the locations on the day.
About the Betsie Valley Trail and the Friends of the Betsie Valley Trail
The Betsie Valley Trail is 22 miles long and extends from Frankfort through Elberta and
Beulah to Thompsonville in Benzie County Michigan. The Trail is owned by the Michigan
Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and is operated and maintained by Benzie
County through the Betsie Valley Trailway Management Council.
The Friends of the Betsie Valley Trail (FBVT) is a Michigan 501(c)3 non-profit corporation
formed in 1993 whose mission is the continued development and accessibility of the
Betsie Valley Trail. This is accomplished by creating awareness, raising funds, and
coordinating efforts of individuals, civic groups, local businesses, and government
entities. The Friends support the efforts of the DNR and County and intends to see that
the Trail is maintained and enjoyed. To achieve its mission, the FBVT relies solely on
generous contributions from individuals, families, businesses and organizations – no
county tax dollars are received.