Draft Master Plan Ready for Review

A public hearing on this draft master plan will be held Thursday, May 9, and 5 pm at the Community Building, 401 First Street.

At the February 15 Regular Meeting, Council approved the Draft Master Plan for release to the public for review. This is an opportunity for the public to carefully consider the plan and respond to it. There will be a public hearing after the 63 day review period. Please submit any comments in writing to Elberta Planning Commission, 151 Pearson St./ PO Box 8 Elberta, MI 49628, or by email to clerk@villageofelberta.com, subject head “Master Plan.” A pdf of the plan can be viewed and downloaded below.

Lower NMC Tuition for Benzie Students?

Jack Harnish, the president of Advocates for Benzie County, invites everyone to a listening session they are holding in Elberta at the Elberta Methodist Church. The Advocates have been negotiating with Northwestern Michigan College to give Benzie County “in-district” status, so that our students can take advantage of lower tuition and receive NMC services in Benzie County.  They are seeking community input and hope to hear from a variety of folks within the county. Please attend, ask questions, and show your support for (or opposition to!) this idea.

CVTRS Notice

In compliance with the City, Village, and Township Revenue Sharing (CVTRS) program requirements, the following documents are ready to view here below and are posted at the Community Building, Post Office, and Village Office: (a) City, Village, and Township Revenue Sharing and County Incentive Program Certification (Form 4886), (b) Debt Service Report, and (c) Projected Budget Report. See previous years’ information on the Village Finances page.