Take away the chill and hang out with your neighbors at the Elberta Life Saving Station. We’ll play bingo for small prizes and have other games, coffee, tea, and LaCroix/Spindrift (this is a kid-friendly and *alcohol free* [no alcohol] event). If you’d like to “MC” a Winter Friday with a program of your choice, write to programming director Paula Friedrich at paulamfriedrich@gmail.com (she is also the artist who created the flyer). Or just show up on a Friday and tell us your idea. Bring your knitting, bring a friend — and we can always use more bingo prizes! 6 to 9 pm. All are welcome.
Author: villageadmin
Winter Parking Rules
Please keep the Village streets and “parkways” (spaces between the street and sidewalk) clear during plowing season! Thank you for your cooperation!
2025 Meeting Dates
Notice: ZBA Hearing January 16
Agenda: December Council Meeting
Big Announcement
Today the Village Council received word from Jennifer Jay, the director of communications and engagement for the Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy, that their organization has closed the real estate sale with Elberta Land Holding Company. One immediate effect this news has: We can plan for an enormous new park! Make sure you read the Parks & Recreation Five-Year Plan and get your comments in. The plan will be voted on this Thursday, December 19, at the 7 pm Village Council meeting. ‘Tis indeed a season to be jolly!
A Letter of Appreciation
* Tree Lighting Ceremony *
Gather ye, o Villagers, this coming Friday (St. Nicholas Day) to light up a big tree in the Waterfront Park in honor of our late beloved community leaders Linda Manville and Diane “Jinx” Jenks, who loved Christmas and loved Elberta. The event begins at 7 pm; lights go on at 7:30. Cocoa generously provided by the folks at Red Top Gourmet Hot Dogs, and singing voices provided by you as we tootle some carols. (Beautiful image below provided by our own Paula Friedrich.) All are welcome! Spread the word among the nations!
December Planning Commission Meeting Canceled
Instead, the Commission will attend a public meeting at Frankfort-Elberta Elementary School titled “Let’s Talk About Housing: Benzie County” on December 4 from 6 pm to 8 pm. The presentation is sponsored by Housing North, Frankfort Area Community Land Trust, and Flywheel Community Development Services. The Planning Commission will meet again as usual on January 8.