Same day as our spring cleanup! You can read more about the park on HARP’s website.
Author: villageadmin
Deadline for Past-Due Water Bills
Water Quality Report: 2023
Beach Road Closed
The Elberta Beach project is underway!
The road down to the beach is closed to vehicular traffic until further notice while AJs does their work. Foot traffic is allowed at your own risk. You will be entering an active construction area and the ground may not be stable in all places. If you’re a seasonal resident of one of the houses on the beach, please contact Elberta DPW at 231-651-9626.
FY2024/25 Approved Budget
At the February 15 Regular Council Meeting, a budget hearing was held and the following budget was adopted.
March Planning Commission Meeting
The March meeting will be held Thursday, March 14, at 5:30 p.m. at the Community Building.
Draft Master Plan Ready for Review
A public hearing on this draft master plan will be held Thursday, May 9, and 5 pm at the Community Building, 401 First Street.
At the February 15 Regular Meeting, Council approved the Draft Master Plan for release to the public for review. This is an opportunity for the public to carefully consider the plan and respond to it. There will be a public hearing after the 63 day review period. Please submit any comments in writing to Elberta Planning Commission, 151 Pearson St./ PO Box 8 Elberta, MI 49628, or by email to, subject head “Master Plan.” A pdf of the plan can be viewed and downloaded below.
Water & Sewer Rates for 2024
Draft Budget for Fiscal Year 2024/25!
The budget hearing will be held at 7 pm on February 15, right before the regular council meeting. Please submit comments by email to, send by mail, or drop in the dropbox at the Village Office. Or attend the meeting!